
Though bedwetting is fairly common among younger children, occurrences after the age of five can raise concerns.

About Bedwetting

Bedwetting, also called nocturnal enuresis, is defined as persistent, involuntary urination while sleeping without any evidence of abnormality in the urinary system. A widely accepted view is that the child has failed to learn to awaken to the bladder pressure and volume before the bladder automatically empties.

Person sitting up in bed holding their stomach.
Doctor and patient talking.

The Nervous System

Keep in mind it is your nervous system that relays the information from the bladder to the brain. Although nocturnal enuresis is common during the first few years after toilet training, most children eventually outgrow bed-wetting. It generally becomes a problem when the child is 5 or older and has bladder control during the day but urinates in his/her bed at night.

Chiropractic & Bedwetting

For many years, parents have been telling chiropractors that soon after their child’s spine was adjusted their bed-wetting stopped. Chiropractors specifically remove interference to the nervous system by reducing irritation from spinal misalignments called subluxations. Interestingly, part of the nerve supply to the bladder stems from nerves traveling through the sacrum. As an adult, the sacrum fuses into one bone, but as a child it consists of 5 movable spinal segments, all which can subluxate or misalign such as from a fall on the bottom. This can result in nerve irritation and miscommunication between the bladder and brain.

Sources & References

Say Goodbye to Bedwetting

Book an appointment with Dr. Prather today and let Prather Chiropractic help you find relief for conditions like bedwetting.